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- Test BAM, pBAM and diff files can be found here.
- NA12878 pBAM files can be found here.
- 10x Single-cell analysis on BAM and pBAM (outputs of the pipelines and Jupyter notebook) can be found here.
- You can find some larger pBAM files here.
- RNA-Seq cohort was taken from gEUVADIS project.
- We generated 2 RNA-Seq and 12 surreptitiously sequenced low-coverage and high-coverage blood tissue DNA datasets.
- For linking attacks we used the 1000 Genomes Project phase 3 genomes for the gold-standard genomes.
- We also generated panels with different composition of ancestries and pedigrees based on the 1000 Genomes individuals.
- Functional genomics data are largely obtained from ENCODE data portal.
- Hi-C data is from Rao et al., 2014, Cell paper.